Sunday, May 2, 2010's May!

We've been very busy lately! School, work, our 3rd Anniversary, the JWR Cow Sale...the list goes on and on!! We are hoping that the month of May brings some calmer times!
Cindy is almost done with her first semester in pre-Nursing...this coming Thursday is her final exam in A&P and that's it until the summer term begins in June!
Johnathan has been working always!!
Carson is still growing like a weed..and getting smarter and cuter by the minute! His vocabulary has grown so much that we cannot even begin to list all the words he can say...of course, some of them only WE understand, but that's okay! He's become a picky eater...only wanting chicken, potatoes (french fries, mashed potatoes, tater tots...), grilled cheese, hot dogs, yogurt, jell-o, bananas, oranges, goldfish, fruit snacks, pretzels! It seems like a lot, but he used to be the type of child that would eat whatever you put in front of him! Now he won't touch veggies or other meat! His doctor says it is a phase, so we are hoping he'll learn to like those things eventually...because we sure do and it's hard to cook 2 meals each night!
We have also found out that we'll be welcoming a new niece to the family in October!! We cannot wait to meet Mackenzie Grace Mays!


Anne said...

Logan is a seriously picky eater too. He would only eat yogurt, applesauce, or oatmeal for at least a month. Now he's gotten a little bit better, but not by much. I've learned to just let it go. He's still in the %50, so he's getting what he needs. I also give him a carnation instant breakfast in his milk once a day to make sure he's getting all his vitamins. Hang in there!